Sponsorship allows us to get your business and brand in front of our pet parents and pet professional students. We have many different levels of sponsorship to fulfill whatever need you or your company have.
Provide lunch for the day to students! We will announce that lunch is sponsored by your company and pass out your information and allow a 5-15 min video to be shown on your product/service or an in-person talk and Q&A while they enjoy lunch. (Class sizes vary, but catering choice is up to you!)
Examples: Pet First Aid Staff Training 20-40 students: average $300-$600 or Pet Tech® Instructor Training 5 – 10 students: average $75-$150.
Provide various snacks and beverages to students for the day.
Average cost is $50-$300 depending on size of class.
We can have anywhere from 30-50 students and average $2-$5 per student per day. We will have a sign near the snack bar with your logo and your brochures, or information that you provide and send to us! You do not have to choose snacks, we will do the shopping, you just let us know you want to sponsor the snack bar and we will send you the invoice and take care of everything else!
Provide coffee and donuts, kolaches, fruits, granola bars, etc. for students.
Average cost is $50-$100 depending on size of class.
We can have anywhere from 30-50 students per program. We will have a sign near the coffee and breakfast with your logo and information (you will need to provide.) You do not have to choose or order anything (unless you want to!) We can do the ordering, you just let us know you want to sponsor the Coffee and Breakfast Bar and we will send you the invoice and take care of everything else!
Company-provided banner will be hung in the classroom. This is $40 per day that it is displayed.
Don’t want to do a monetary sponsorship?
We love pawzitive reinforcement so we give lots of prizes out in our classes!
You can supply dog/cat themed prizes for students with your company logo!
Logo on website, marketing emails and class materials for all classes for the year.
Limited to 2 sponsors per year.
Company-provided banner will be displayed in the classroom for the day and pamphlets given to students. Instructors will mention company as Daily Puppy/Kitten Sponsor and company can provide swag bags for students!
Company-provided banner will be displayed in the classroom for the day and pamphlets given to students. Instructors will mention company as daily sponsor and company can provide swag bags for students. Plus two (2) seats for employees in a Pet First Aid or PetSaver class.
Company-provided banner will be displayed in the classroom for the week (up to 9 classes in 7 days) and pamphlets given to students. Instructors will mention company as Silver Pet Sponsor and company can provide swag bags for students.
Company-provided banner will be displayed in the classroom for the week (up to 9 classes in 7 days) and pamphlets given to students. Instructors will mention company as our Gold Pet Sponsor and company can provide swag bags for students. Plus three (3) seats for employees in a Pet First Aid or PetSaver in a class. Limited to one Gold sponsor per location.
Company-provided banner will be displayed in the classroom for the year and pamphlets given to students. Instructors will mention company as Diamond Pet Sponsor and company can provide swag bags for students in as many classes as they wish. Company will also be featured in Facebook posts, on our website, all marketing emails, and all source materials. Plus six (6) seats ($1100+ value) for employees in a Pet First Aid or PetSaver class within 12 months of sponsorship.
Potential exposure to tens of thousands of pet parents and pet professionals throughout the country and hundreds in person in each location we visit!
Limited to two Platinum sponsors per year.
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